Author: IdietitianPro

5 Natural Stress Buster Foods
5 Natural Stress Buster Foods
May 25, 2018

Stress is basically a bodily response under which our body tends to react as to ‘fight or flight.’ Our body releases certain a mixture of hormones/chemicals such as cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine making our body ready for some physical action e.g. diverting blood to muscles and shutting down necessary functions of the body like digestion. …

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Some Gluten-Free Foods for Indians
Some Gluten-Free Foods for Indians
May 24, 2018

Gluten is basically a name for the proteins that are found in oats, wheat (durum, semolina, wheatberries, spelt, emmer, farina, graham, farro, khorasan and einkorn) and some other cereals such as rye, triticale, barley, etc. In actual, gluten acts as a ‘glue’ that holds the food together i.e. maintaining their shape. The name gluten come …

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Few Diet Tips to Get a Glowing Skin Before Your Wedding Day
Few Diet Tips to Get a Glowing Skin Before Your Wedding Day
May 23, 2018

The time after a pair get officially announced as couple till the wedding day, that time is really stressful for a bride. Every bride wants to look the best on that special day and it is notice that the ‘bride to be’ becomes anxious about her looks on that big fat day. It would be …

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Recipe for Banana and Berry Smoothie
Recipe for Banana and Berry Smoothie
May 23, 2018

Summers are here and its is said that breakfast is the most essential meal of the day. It is always advised not to skip breakfast in order to remain fit. Healthy breakfast can boost our immune system and can just make our day. But our busy life tends to cease our every motivation towards a …

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Few Tips to Lose Weight in a Month
Few Tips to Lose Weight in a Month
May 22, 2018

If you have googled any of such topics, then its quite sure that you are looking for quick weight drop results. Well, if you are in a search of those fad diets which can drop your weight in a week or in a fortnight, then FYI; studies showed that these fad diet can give you …

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5 Tips to Lose Weight During Menopause
5 Tips to Lose Weight During Menopause
May 21, 2018

For a woman who is aging, it is really important for her to know what a menopause is and what should one do at this time. So, menopause is a time or phase in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle permanently ceases due to the natural exhaustion of ovarian oocytes from aging factor. A …

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Foods For Rheumatoid Arthritis, According To Ayurveda
Foods For Rheumatoid Arthritis, According To Ayurveda
May 19, 2018

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder which causes symmetrical polyarthritis & chronic inflammatory. It is correlate with the Ayurveda feature that is Amavata. Amavata is a disease which is also notable as Vata Dosha, in this there is an accumulation of Ama occurs in the joint. In this disease, whenever Ama gets accumulate in the …

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5 Types of Foods that Kicks Hyperthyroidism Naturally
5 Types of Foods that Kicks Hyperthyroidism Naturally
May 18, 2018

Thyroid disease is basically a medical condition that affects the functioning of thyroid gland. But can be cured to some extent by food for thyroid. There are four types of thyroid conditions: 1.Hypothyroid 2.Hyperthyroid 3.Tumor 4.Goiter Here, we are going to talk about hyperthyroidism. So, basically it is a condition in which our thyroid gland …

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Why Choose Strength Training Exercises
Why Choose Strength Training Exercises
May 12, 2018

No matter what is your fitness purpose, but Strength Training Exercises will help you in achieving your aims. Some training tips and suggestions will tell you some strength training exercise which will provide you with the best results definitely. These types of exercises will help you in increasing strength, boost your power, improve Improve muscular …

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Some Delicious Snacks For After Workout
Some Delicious Snacks For After Workout
May 11, 2018

The right training plan and the perfect workout both is crucial if you are looking for a losing weight. But add on, don’t miss to add post workout food which also plays an important role in weight loss. If you treat yourself with a pizza or burger after any workout, then you will never lose …

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