Author: IdietitianPro

Consumption of High Protein & Low Carb Diets
Consumption of High Protein & Low Carb Diets
May 9, 2018

There are various types of low carb diet are available, but all have the same rule. People start taking low carb diet for several reasons but the best reason is this diet helps in weight loss. Basically, it assists in better your health and helps you in losing a lot of pounds. This diet has …

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Some Foods that Fights Bad Cholesterol
Some Foods that Fights Bad Cholesterol
May 9, 2018

Cholesterol in cholesterol reducing foods   Cholesterol is some waxy substance found in our blood cells. The liver in our body produces the most of the cholesterol and the rest is supplied by our food that we eat. Cholesterol helps in the functioning of all the organs present in our body. Patently, cholesterol isn’t harmful …

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Top Nutritious Foods Your Kids Should Be Eating Everyday
Top Nutritious Foods Your Kids Should Be Eating Everyday
May 8, 2018

A healthy diet is as important for kids as it is for you and healthy diet doesn’t alone say staying a far from the wrong stuff but also it means to include healthy ones. Growing kids needs much nutrition to grow healthy.There are ample of foods for healthy diet available in the market which promises …

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Keto Diet Plan for PCOS Patient
Keto Diet Plan for PCOS Patient
May 7, 2018

The Keto diet is a diet which changes the fuel of the body into energy. Our body needs sugar for more energy. This sugar is acquired by the breaking down of carbohydrate from various foods like pasta, bread, rice, sweets, chocolate. Why Are Carbs So Important In PCOS?   Carbs grab the attention of various …

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Paleo Foods Which Fight Against High Blood Pressure
Paleo Foods Which Fight Against High Blood Pressure
May 5, 2018

Maintaining heart healthy is an important factor for living a healthy lifestyle. Blood pressure is one of the main issues which pulls out the oxygen, blood cells, nutrients and other essential chemicals from the body. It is a type of pressure which is applied against the walls of the blood vessel which pull the blood …

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Top 5 Naturally Gluten-Free Food which Helps In Weight Loss
Top 5 Naturally Gluten-Free Food which Helps In Weight Loss
May 2, 2018

What is Gluten in Gluten Free Diet?   Gluten is a protein which is normally found in rye, barley, wheat and it is also a component of various ingredients which are found in daily foods. It provides food with its shape, elasticity and binds it together. A survey said that add gluten free diet will …

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Low-Calorie Foods You Must Add To Your Diet
Low-Calorie Foods You Must Add To Your Diet
May 1, 2018

Nowadays  Low-calorie foods are gaining popularity day by day. As the individual who is  suffering from the obesity will suffer the health issue. That’s why they try to  keep themselves healthy and fit. Then they join the gym and spend so many  hours there, but this not helps in losing weight. Add on, you must have to  follow the diet  plan for a fit and healthy body. You have to start having low-calorie foods in your diet plan, this will provide you essential nutrients and  minerals. And also stay away from the hunger and keep you fit. By which you  start avoiding fast food which is the main reason for the obesity and other  health-related issues. Here are some Low-Calorie Foods which You Must have to add to your diet   Go Grain Whole grains such as millets, oatmeal are low-calorie foods and also work as filling foods. It means that for a long time you  will feel full. Rather than, they are a good source of fibres which assists in  lowering risks of various heart diseases and maintain your blood sugar levels  as well. Daily consumption of the whole grains like brown rice will aid you and  fight against from high blood pressure and will provide you various essential  vitamins and minerals. Eggs Eggs are power-packed nutrient-rich food which is a low-calorie food and act as a magical food for weight loss. It has a good amount of proteins and healthy fats which keep your stomach full. You can add them to  your vegetable bowls too or eat them as a complete meal. It also consists a lot of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, choline, biotin, and folic acid, which keep  you stay healthy.   Carrots Carrots are also low-calorie food and also rich in fibre which you can relish guilt-free. It also works as an antioxidant which protects the body cells. It is a good  source of healthy nutrients like vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, vitamin B8,  pantothenic acid, folate, potassium, iron, copper, and manganese which make you fit and flourishing. Watermelons We think that almost all the people love to eat watermelons, right. As it is a  good source of vitamin C and vitamin A. This fruit is loaded with water, which  helps in keeping you hydrated from the heat of summers. It contains 92%  water and also has a good amount of fibre. It also works as stomach-filling fruit. Watermelons have lycopene which helps in keeping away from the effects of  cancer. So add a full bowl of watermelon in your diet now. Grapefruit It is one of the best low-calorie fruit which is like by most of the people. It is a good source of vitamin C and vitamin A. It also helps in weight loss and the low GI will keep people away from diabetes. It is also heavily loaded with water like watermelon and work as a stomach-filling low-calorie fruit too. Low-calorie food is a great idea for weight loss which is rapidly growing day  by day in the young generation and adult too. So add these aforesaid food in  your diet plan now!  

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Top Foods Which Provide Healthy & Glowing Skin
Top Foods Which Provide Healthy & Glowing Skin
April 30, 2018

Every individual wants a healthy and glowing skin, but with the increase in  pollution, our skin suffers the most. And over the time the skin becomes more rough and dull. There are a large number of products are available which help  in clearing the skin but besides this the best diet plan help more as compare to the chemical containing products. Consumption of natural ingredients will  never cause any type of harmful effects even contains various of natural  minerals and nutrients. So add some best food in your diet which will offer you glowing and healthy skin and help in maintaining the clear skin. Here are some foods for glowing skin which are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, this will promote the growth and strengthening of the healthy tissues. Have a look!     Indian gooseberry or Amla Amla is a good source of antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A, if will prevent  the various skin problems. Amla boosts the collagen production of the skin  which is fighting with all the skin problem and make it more radiant & glowing. You can consume Amla in the morning with the empty stomach, it is the best  time of consumption as well as consider as the one of the best foods for glowing skin. You can eat it raw or drink its juice.   It offers various benefits include:   Repairs damaged tissues Cut down pigmentation Brightens & clear up the skin Fights immature ageing Tightens skin and makes it soft and supple Treats pimples and acne   Apples Every doctor said that An apple in a day keeps away from the skin problems  and several disease too. Apples have plenty amount of Vitamin C which will  work as magic for the skin. This fruit also increases the level of collagen in  your skin. An apple daily assists you to get:   Brighter and more radiant complexion Firm skin by fighting off ageing Work as Immunity against skin cancer Protect against sun’s harmful UV rays Hydrated skin free of dark spot, wrinkles, acne and blemishes   Tomato Tomatoes contain a good amount of natural minerals, vitamins and  antioxidants too. It consists antioxidant which is called as lycopene in huge  amount. Lycopene work as an amazing anti-ageing property. It also prevents the skin from the harmful Ultraviolet rays of  the sun. …

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Trying to gain healthy weight? See how it works!
Trying to gain healthy weight? See how it works!
April 26, 2018

Today 1.9 billion or more of population are overweight worldwide. But then  there are many who are willing to gain weight, they are trying hard to put on    weight, can you believe that? Well we’ll have to. Because putting on a few  pounds is as hard as losing some, it’s an equal equal challenge. Well, it’s pretty difficult when you wan to gain in a healthier way. There are difficulties but not  impossibilities. So let’s dig in to find some best tips to gain healthy weight.   The first step is to be patient   No matter you want to gain or lose weight, being patient is the most  prominent step. Changes obviously don’t happen overnight, they never will. So we suggest you to be patient and calculate your daily calorie requirement,  after add additional 200 to 300 calories. And if you take surplus calories everyday you surely will end up gaining healthy weight, slow but steady, and that’s how  turtle won the race and so will you. Quality over quantity One should always look for quality and not for quantity. It’s nothing like you will gain much after eating much, what really counts is the quality. No doubt that  junk food like fries, burgers, pizza contain calories, much of it but also they  contain saturated fat, sugar and salt, well, that’s bad. So it’s better if you focus on food rich in nutrients and calorie rich vegetables, legumes, whole grain,  meat, fish, nuts etc. Eat Regular Meals Taking all the calories of a day summed up in three main meals? No, no! You  don’t have to do it this way rather make it five or six. It helps stomach digest  better and also you feel full all day long. Also skipping meals should be strictly avoided if you really want to gain healthy weight.                          So,always keep a snack handy in case you feel hungry.   Light products? Simply say No! No! Foods with a label of “low fat” or “light” should be avoided. Well, not by the one trying to lose weight but obviously by the ones who want to gain. Tings like  avocado, seeds, dry fruits should be taken regularly. They make you feel full and provide you with plenty of calories and nutrients. Count on strength training Exercise is as important for gaining weight as for losing. Intense body weight  training strengths ones muscles and helps gain weight. With exercise don’t forget to take protein after you workout. Good sources of protein counts tofu,  legumes, nut butter and eggs. It helps you make muscle. Gaining weight can prove to be much challenging. The important thing to  …

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Stressed And Anxious? Know What To Eat!
Stressed And Anxious? Know What To Eat!
April 24, 2018

Did you know food plays an important role in stress management? After all, you are what you eat. Don’t know if you know this or not but your body and mind passively depends on the diet you take. Studies have shown that those who take poor diet like chocolate, sweets, fried food, high fat dairy …

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