5 Tips to Lose Weight During Menopause

For a woman who is aging, it is really important for her to know what a menopause is and what should one do at this time. So, menopause is a time or phase in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle permanently ceases due to the natural exhaustion of ovarian oocytes from aging factor. A lot of changes appear in a women’s body during this phase such as hormonal changes which leads to weight gain,increased chances of breast cancer and high blood pressure, etc.
Well now, finding some natural solutions to these changes are important so as to make this major body-transition a little easier. Also if you are in a search of weight loss diet plan, check out the content related on our website.
So, here are some ways to keep your body prepared for these changes naturally.

How much important it is to eat healthy during menopause?


Healthy eating habits are important to lead a stress-free, sapless and a healthy life, but healthy eating habits are even more important as women enters menopause. It has been noticed that it becomes really difficult to loose weight for aging women especially after the age of 50. However, with a little more efforts, it isn’t impossible. Mentioned below are some ways by which an aging woman can loose weight while going through menopause



 1.Pick Healthy Fats:


salmon fish |weight loss diet plan

It is very cliche to say that consuming a diet which is high in fat, especially those saturated fat is really menacing. Fat rich foods are generally high in calories and low in nutrients which is totally opposite of what a woman needs while going through menopause. So, it gets more important to know and get the right fats in your diet for menopause. Fats that are needed by your body to provide nutritional value and protect us against the heart diseases and cancer. Unsaturated fats or healthy fats include- oily fish (salmon, tuna, sardines), chia seeds and avocados, cheese, almond, walnuts, etc into your diet.

2.High- Fiber Diet:


high fiber diet | weight loss diet plan

Fibers are really important for our digestive system, heart, skin health, improves blood sugar, weight management and much more. A high fiber diet is really important as it becomes really difficult for a aging woman to maintain a healthy weight after menopause. High fiber diet are low in calories but helps in keeping one full and satisfied, thus makes weight loss easier. It is advised to consumes at least 25 grams a day by the adults, but no doubt the more you consumes the better it would be.

3.Eat Fruits and Vegetables:


fruits | weight loss diet plan

It is advised to consume at least 2 cups of vegetables and 1½ cups of fruit each day. Fruits and vegetables completes many nutritional values needed by our body such as along with high fiber content, fruits and vegetables also contains many types of vitamins, minerals. Also fruits and vegetables are low in fat. Plant contain a chemical called- phytoestrogens that are very similar in structure to estrogen and might work strengthening the weak estrogen in our bodies. And probably will help in eliminating some of the discomforts caused by the lack of estrogen levels in the body during the menopause. So add on fruits in your weight loss diet plan during menopause.

4.Eat Calcium & Vitamin D rich Foods:


calcium and vitamin D foods | weight loss diet plan

Its a well-known fact that calcium and vitamin D are needed to keep bones strong. Calcium and vitamin D helps with weight management by stimulating the breakdown of fat cells. It is advised to eat and drink two to four parts of dairy products in your daily meal and calcium-rich foods a day to obtain your calcium your body needs.

5.Drink Green Tea & Exercise:


green tea | weight loss diet plan

Green tea is filled with antioxidants, and consuming more water and green-tea helps women to feel more energetic. And more energy means more work or exercise! Green tea also increases metabolism hence assists women to lose weight during menopause. Consuming green tea thrice day is considered in good habits in a weight loss diet plan for menopause.
Also not to mention how important exercising is, but that doesn’t mean you will have to start gymming or tough training adding a good exercise at home in our everyday life can really prevent weight gain, or even help with weight loss. One can simply begin with Yoga at home, it really works wonders.

Above mentioned ways in the post are some of the tips of weight loss diet plan that will help you cut down on fat which gets added to our body unannounced during or after menopause.

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