Tag: weight loss diet plan

Intermittent Fasting diet : A guide for beginners
Intermittent Fasting diet : A guide for beginners
April 5, 2022

Intermittent literally means that which occurs at irregular intervals or is not continuous or steady. Fasting is abstaining from some kinds of foods and drinks and is usually found in all cultures for religious purposes off course we have all gotten fasting blood tests done in our life. Intermittent fasting is a form of diet …

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How to avoid and overcome excuses regarding exercise and weight loss?
How to avoid and overcome excuses regarding exercise and weight loss?
July 30, 2018

Usually people take resolutions to follow the exercise and weight loss plan but these resolutions get demolished by the excuses. Every one is aware about the fact that health is the most important factor of a life. Health depends on various components such as environment, schedules and working hours of person, habits or daily chores. …

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Few Things One Should Do 30 Minutes Before Going To Bed
Few Things One Should Do 30 Minutes Before Going To Bed
July 23, 2018

Would you believe if we tell you that you can loose weight while sleeping ? Well yes, you heard it right…! Lives these days are busy and hence we’ve got no time to head to the gym or set any exercise or diet regime at home. So, here we are discussing some habit that you …

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5 Benefits of Consuming Protein Shakes
5 Benefits of Consuming Protein Shakes
July 12, 2018

There is no denying to the fact that protein is the only nutrient which helps in loosing weight. Basically, the protein helps in reducing the appetite and boosting the metabolic rate of human body. Weight loss regime with consuming protein will help in preventing muscle mass loss. Here, we are going to discuss about how …

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Few Major Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid in 2018
Few Major Weight Loss Mistakes To Avoid in 2018
July 10, 2018

If you are the one who is planning to loose weight in 2018 by following a strict weight loss plan then there are some mistakes which you should strictly avoid. Come what may, never fall for those fad diets, these diets can show some quick results but have prolonged side effects. Not only this there …

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Best Snacks for a Sportsman Help in Weight Loss
Best Snacks for a Sportsman Help in Weight Loss
June 19, 2018

Everyone loves to snacking even a sportsman which will help in build their immune system and help in weight loss. These types of snacks will kept you away from fast food and the hunger which will happen during the meals. Snacks will provide you all the nutrition and minerals which a sportsman need. Here are …

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