Tag: healthy diet foods

Calcium Rich Foods That Act as Fat Burners
Calcium Rich Foods That Act as Fat Burners
December 6, 2018

Calcium is a basic requirement of our body. It plays a very significant role in regulating the healthy functioning of our bones. There are many calcium rich foods that are not only delicious but also act as fat burners.Those who are food lovers and find it difficult to control their diet can opt for food items that are rich in calcium that also …

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6 Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea to Boost your Overall Health
6 Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea to Boost your Overall Health
October 11, 2018

Do you know what dandelion tea is? Well, dandelion is a flower often regarded as a weed which is being used as a medicinal herb since ages. The dried leaves and roots of dandelion are used to make its tea that has much more to offer us. So, how does dandelion tea benefit us for …

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Avoid Bloating by Opting these Healthy Eating Habits
Avoid Bloating by Opting these Healthy Eating Habits
September 12, 2018

Eat healthy to live happy. A diet, rich in essential foods keeps a person disease free. It depends on the routine you follow to have your food. Do you follow all your meal time? Are you in habit of eating only when craving? You need to work on your food habits if you are answering …

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What is Better…a No Carb Diet “OR” a Carb Diet ?
What is Better…a No Carb Diet “OR” a Carb Diet ?
August 18, 2018

Carbohydrates are one of the essential nutrients for the human body as they provide energy to do different kind of works. But did you know, consuming carbs in excess always lead to obesity ? If you didn’t then, this post is all about carbs & their benefits & side effects. And by the end of …

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Top 10 Benefits of Consuming Garlic in Our Regular Diet !
Top 10 Benefits of Consuming Garlic in Our Regular Diet !
August 3, 2018

Garlic, a normal kitchen keeper which has lot of medicinal qualities is actually considered under-rated. But coming to the facts, garlic is a herb which great antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. Secondly, this natural herb contains a compound -Allicin and other beneficial nutrients needed by our body like phosphorus, potassium, zinc & magnesium We can count …

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5 Benefits of Consuming Protein Shakes
5 Benefits of Consuming Protein Shakes
July 12, 2018

There is no denying to the fact that protein is the only nutrient which helps in loosing weight. Basically, the protein helps in reducing the appetite and boosting the metabolic rate of human body. Weight loss regime with consuming protein will help in preventing muscle mass loss. Here, we are going to discuss about how …

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