Tag: healthy weight

5 Vitamin K Rich Foods for a Better Well-Being
5 Vitamin K Rich Foods for a Better Well-Being
October 9, 2018

Do you know the significance of Vitamin K? If not then, we are here to explain you the importance of Vitamin K in our overall well-being. The foremost role of Vitamin K in our body is to prevent excessive bleeding and blood clotting. It also helps in reducing the risk for osteoporosis by increasing calcium …

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Health Benefits of Seeds in Daily Diet Plan
Health Benefits of Seeds in Daily Diet Plan
August 17, 2018

Eating seeds and adding them to healthy diet plan can provides you with numerous health benefits. These seeds are powerhouse of various vitamins and minerals which provides various benefits to the body. Seeds helps in the maintenance of overall health and body including the bone density and strong immune system. Moreover, seeds helps in the …

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Must-Have Foods For New Moms- Helps in Weight Loss
Must-Have Foods For New Moms- Helps in Weight Loss
June 27, 2018

At the time of pregnancy, most of the women gained extra weight. And after the delivery of baby, you may have to loose your extra calories. But you are busy in take care of your new born baby and don’t have so much time for workout. But the best diet will help you in shedding …

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Some Tips & Diet Plan for PCOS patient
Some Tips & Diet Plan for PCOS patient
May 29, 2018

Now a days around 70% of women are suffering from the PCOS. And the number is increasing day by day. A study clear that the Polycystic Ovarian Disease is increasing in the young women of India. What is PCOS?   Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a health problem which is caused by the imbalance of the …

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Trying to gain healthy weight? See how it works!
Trying to gain healthy weight? See how it works!
April 26, 2018

Today 1.9 billion or more of population are overweight worldwide. But then  there are many who are willing to gain weight, they are trying hard to put on    weight, can you believe that? Well we’ll have to. Because putting on a few  pounds is as hard as losing some, it’s an equal equal challenge. Well, it’s pretty difficult when you wan to gain in a healthier way. There are difficulties but not  impossibilities. So let’s dig in to find some best tips to gain healthy weight.   The first step is to be patient   No matter you want to gain or lose weight, being patient is the most  prominent step. Changes obviously don’t happen overnight, they never will. So we suggest you to be patient and calculate your daily calorie requirement,  after add additional 200 to 300 calories. And if you take surplus calories everyday you surely will end up gaining healthy weight, slow but steady, and that’s how  turtle won the race and so will you. Quality over quantity One should always look for quality and not for quantity. It’s nothing like you will gain much after eating much, what really counts is the quality. No doubt that  junk food like fries, burgers, pizza contain calories, much of it but also they  contain saturated fat, sugar and salt, well, that’s bad. So it’s better if you focus on food rich in nutrients and calorie rich vegetables, legumes, whole grain,  meat, fish, nuts etc. Eat Regular Meals Taking all the calories of a day summed up in three main meals? No, no! You  don’t have to do it this way rather make it five or six. It helps stomach digest  better and also you feel full all day long. Also skipping meals should be strictly avoided if you really want to gain healthy weight.                          So,always keep a snack handy in case you feel hungry.   Light products? Simply say No! No! Foods with a label of “low fat” or “light” should be avoided. Well, not by the one trying to lose weight but obviously by the ones who want to gain. Tings like  avocado, seeds, dry fruits should be taken regularly. They make you feel full and provide you with plenty of calories and nutrients. Count on strength training Exercise is as important for gaining weight as for losing. Intense body weight  training strengths ones muscles and helps gain weight. With exercise don’t forget to take protein after you workout. Good sources of protein counts tofu,  legumes, nut butter and eggs. It helps you make muscle. Gaining weight can prove to be much challenging. The important thing to  …

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