Tag: healthy food

Some Foods Responsible For a Child’s Better Growth
Some Foods Responsible For a Child’s Better Growth
May 29, 2018

Raising a child is a task of great responsibilities sensitive awareness. It is really important for a parent to know about the food that you are feeding to your kid. Also it is important because it contributes to your kid’s health and over all growth. The best way to teach anything to your kid is …

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Few Diet Tips to Get a Glowing Skin Before Your Wedding Day
Few Diet Tips to Get a Glowing Skin Before Your Wedding Day
May 23, 2018

The time after a pair get officially announced as couple till the wedding day, that time is really stressful for a bride. Every bride wants to look the best on that special day and it is notice that the ‘bride to be’ becomes anxious about her looks on that big fat day. It would be …

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5 Tips to Lose Weight During Menopause
5 Tips to Lose Weight During Menopause
May 21, 2018

For a woman who is aging, it is really important for her to know what a menopause is and what should one do at this time. So, menopause is a time or phase in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle permanently ceases due to the natural exhaustion of ovarian oocytes from aging factor. A …

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Foods For Rheumatoid Arthritis, According To Ayurveda
Foods For Rheumatoid Arthritis, According To Ayurveda
May 19, 2018

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder which causes symmetrical polyarthritis & chronic inflammatory. It is correlate with the Ayurveda feature that is Amavata. Amavata is a disease which is also notable as Vata Dosha, in this there is an accumulation of Ama occurs in the joint. In this disease, whenever Ama gets accumulate in the …

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Stressed And Anxious? Know What To Eat!
Stressed And Anxious? Know What To Eat!
April 24, 2018

Did you know food plays an important role in stress management? After all, you are what you eat. Don’t know if you know this or not but your body and mind passively depends on the diet you take. Studies have shown that those who take poor diet like chocolate, sweets, fried food, high fat dairy …

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