Tag: Best Health Foods

Intermittent Fasting diet : A guide for beginners
Intermittent Fasting diet : A guide for beginners
April 5, 2022

Intermittent literally means that which occurs at irregular intervals or is not continuous or steady. Fasting is abstaining from some kinds of foods and drinks and is usually found in all cultures for religious purposes off course we have all gotten fasting blood tests done in our life. Intermittent fasting is a form of diet …

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15 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd
15 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd
October 4, 2018

Generally, we overlook the benefits of bitter gourd most probably due to its bitter taste. But, did you know that bitter gourd has multiple health benefits? Bitter gourd is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and iron. It has been used for making many herbal medicines since ages. Hence, a healthy diet plan …

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How To Boost Your Metabolism For Weight Loss
How To Boost Your Metabolism For Weight Loss
August 7, 2018

Planning to maintain a healthy weight? If yes, then here are numerous healthy weight loss tips for you. Usually, the first step towards weight loss is proper or high metabolism. Metabolism refers to the process of chemical reactions in the body. These chemical reaction are necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the body. Higher …

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Top 10 Benefits of Consuming Garlic in Our Regular Diet !
Top 10 Benefits of Consuming Garlic in Our Regular Diet !
August 3, 2018

Garlic, a normal kitchen keeper which has lot of medicinal qualities is actually considered under-rated. But coming to the facts, garlic is a herb which great antibacterial and antiseptic qualities. Secondly, this natural herb contains a compound -Allicin and other beneficial nutrients needed by our body like phosphorus, potassium, zinc & magnesium We can count …

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Basic Foods And Tips To Control And Eliminate Hypothyroidism
Basic Foods And Tips To Control And Eliminate Hypothyroidism
July 10, 2018

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland starts generating the thyroid hormones excessively. Hyperthyroidism diet plan will be very useful to cure the problem. The symptoms include the rapid or unwanted weight loss which results in the loss of nutrients and proteins from the body. Role of Thyroid Gland in the human body …

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Some Benefits of Organic Foods
Some Benefits of Organic Foods
June 13, 2018

Organic food means the food cultivation in a natural way or not encouraging any chemical pesticides or fertilizers in the food production. Most people around the world are considering organic foods for they have more nutritional value and prevent human health from the harmful effects of pesticides. So, here we have mentioned some of the …

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Indian Corporate Wellness Programs
Indian Corporate Wellness Programs
June 7, 2018

Since the times globalization had hit the grounds, India has witness a great evolution in the Indian industrial sector. This growth has has shown a big increase in the Indian economy and professional opportunities. But talking about the flip side this globalization has also increased the corporate competition. Hence, the thriving stress demands corporate wellness …

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Best Fruits For Diabetic Patients
Best Fruits For Diabetic Patients
June 2, 2018

Now a days most of the person are suffering from Diabetes. You can manage your diabetes with the best diet plan. Your lifestyle and good food play an important role in the treatment of diabetes. As what you eat in a day effect the sugar level which will increase or decrease the blood sugar level …

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Some Tips & Diet Plan for PCOS patient
Some Tips & Diet Plan for PCOS patient
May 29, 2018

Now a days around 70% of women are suffering from the PCOS. And the number is increasing day by day. A study clear that the Polycystic Ovarian Disease is increasing in the young women of India. What is PCOS?   Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a health problem which is caused by the imbalance of the …

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Some Foods Responsible For a Child’s Better Growth
Some Foods Responsible For a Child’s Better Growth
May 29, 2018

Raising a child is a task of great responsibilities sensitive awareness. It is really important for a parent to know about the food that you are feeding to your kid. Also it is important because it contributes to your kid’s health and over all growth. The best way to teach anything to your kid is …

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