How To Protect Your Heart From The Heat?

Heart is the vital organ of a human body which is responsible in the blood circulation. There are numerous healthy tips for heart which will be helpful in maintaining healthy heart and body. There are more cases of heart illness or disorder during the summer season as the season is not good for some people. Usually, people having the age of 50 years or above and round are likely to have more chances of heart diseases. These people may suffer heart strokes, sun strokes or cardiovascular diseases. To save your heart from theses ailments and disorders you have to take a little extra care of your heart from the heat. There are few healthy heart tips which you can follow to relieve your heart from the summer heat.

1.Dress up Lightly


dress lightly

During summer season people are supposed to wear loose clothes having the light color or texture. Moreover, the clothes should have sweat control properties. Try to dress up in a fabric which is easy to dry and comfortable. You should choose ventilated footwear which will not allow your feet to sweat.

2.Eat light or heart ‘n’ body friendly


heart healthy foods

Eating unhealthy and heavy meals can cause the stress in the body. Green leafy-s will be the best for health maintenance. Seafood like fish, Seared tuna and salmon provides omega-3 fatty acids to your body which is beneficial for your heart. Try to expel butter from your daily diet as it can increase the cholesterol content in your body. Keep high calorie foods like beef at bay. Add lemon juice in salad seasonings as it will helps you to level up the required potassium content in the body.

3.Stay Hydrated In The Summer Season


Stay hydrated

Sweat is the major factor which is responsible for your body’s fluid retention which is not a good sign. Loss of fluids can cause various health issues. Drink plenty of water, this will helps in regaining the essential fluids.

4.Stay Cool


stay cool

Your environment also play a significant role in maintaining your health. Staying cool helps you to reduce the chances of strokes and exhaustion. Stay near water or take a dip in the cool water. Try to be in contact with air conditioner or a fan. Try to keep cool also. You can put some ice cube pack to reduce stress and stay cool.

5.Don’t forget your Medications



If you are suffering from any kind of heart ailments that require proper medication then you are not supposed to miss even a single session. Make sure that the prescribed medications should be safe for you in the summer weather. Some medications are strong and can cause dehydration and increase the heart rate.
Your body should be capable to handle the summer season and the related issues like sun strokes or heat strokes.

Take Rest And Have Some Break


Take Rest And Have Some Break | healthy tips for heart

You can have some rest and take a break under a shed while roaming under the sun. You must elevate your feet which will helps in the proper circulation of blood. This will remove the feeling of dizziness and fainting. Take rest in shady regions while exercising to keep yourself hydrated.

There are the simple and important healthy tips for heart which helps you to reduce the stress and handle the summer and hot weather.


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