Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure

The pressure of blood against your artery walls is refer as High blood pressure, or Hypertension. As the time goes, it can damage the blood vessels which can cause various heart disease like heart stroke, kidney disease and various other. It is also called as the silent killer as there are not any symptoms which will get noticed. If you want to control, then you must have to follow good diet with exercise in your daily routine. You must have to add that food which have good amount of magnesium, fiber and potassium but lower in sodium. Here are some foods to reduce blood pressure which are mentioned below.

1. Leafy Greens


leafy greens | foods to reduce blood pressure

Leafy green vegetables are rich in potassium which assists kidney to through out more sodium by urine which in turn helps in lowering the blood pressure. You can add turnip greens, beet greens, spinach, lettuce leaves in your diet plan as they are rich in potassium.

2. Berries


berries | foods to reduce blood pressure

Blueberries contains high amount of natural elements which are referred as flavonoids. A study shows that by adding these compounds in your diet will fight against hypertension and reduce the blood pressure. You can add strawberries, raspberries or blue berries in your diet plan and consume them with cereals in morning or add these berries in healthy deserts.

3. Red Beets


Red beets | foods to reduce blood pressure

Beets are rich in nitric oxide, which help in open blood vessels and lessen the risk of high blood pressure. You can add beet juice in your diet plan during breakfast. Or bake them into chips and consume them as a healthy snacks.

4. Skim Milk and Yogurt


Skim milk and yogurt | foods to reduce blood pressure

Skim milk is a good source of calcium and have less fat. These components are really very essential for lowering blood pressure. You can replace milk with curd or yogurt if you don’t like milk.

5. Oatmeal


Oatmeal | foods to reduce blood pressure

Oatmeal contains excellent amount of fiber, less fat and sodium which help in lessen the blood pressure. Consuming oatmeal in the breakfast is the best way which will keep you fuel up entire day.

6. Bananas


Bananas | foods to reduce blood pressure

Bananas contain good amount of potassium which is one of the best supplements. You can add banana shake in your diet or a slice of banana in the bowl of cereal or oatmeal. It is a healthy breakfast and will control your blood pressure.

7.Dark Chocolate


Dark chocolate | foods to reduce blood pressure

A study clear that consuming dark chocolate is helpful in lowering the risk for cardiovascular disease. You can eat 100 grams of dark chocolate per day will lessen the risk of CVD.

These aforesaid foods help in the reduction of blood pressure and lessen the risk of other heart disease. Add these in your diet and relish a healthy life.


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